Tandberg TT1260
From Hamspirit wiki
Based on tandberg tt1260 versions:
Software version 3.1.1 Hardware version 04 Firmware version 2.18 PLD version 02
serial remote
The baudrate of the serial remote is changable via de system cmdline with the command: setTTVRemBaud
open TCP ports: 21 ftp; firmware update 98 telnet; system cmdline 99 telnet; service cmdline 1820 unknown protocol; 1821 unknown protocol; echos custom state
Tandberg TT1260 snmpwalk output
System commands
telnet on port 98
TT1260 monitor. $Revision: 1.0 $ Compiled 11:52:51 Aug 12 2003 Comms is interrupt driven, uart 0 Commands: # alarmrelaytest Apropos bb bbd bl bld bs bsd c db dbb dbd dbu diagArgs diagCpuLoad diagRxChar diagRxKey dl dlb dld dlu ds dsb dsd dsu EventFilter fb fbd fl fld fs fsd getSnmpCommunity getTTVRemBaud h Help hisrs inputkey inputkeyfile keytest lcdcontrast lcdhealth lcdtest lcdtestend ledtest MCD memchksum mt netDumpRedir netGetConf netGetTrapDest netSetDns netSetGateway netSetId netSetIp netSetSubnetMask netSetTrapDest no_ansi NvramGetMapVersion Pa Pb Pc ping pingr pld provlock provlockshow readcustomstate readserialnumber resetIRD rtl sb sbd setSnmpROCommunity setSnmpRWCommunity setTTVRemBaud sl sld ss ssd sysinfo tasks version
Service commands
telnet on port 99
TT1260 monitor. $Revision: 1.0 $ Compiled 12:04:05 Aug 12 2003 Comms is interrupt driven, uarts 1 and 2 Commands: # Apropos ASIMode Aspect AudioAC3Start AudioCal AudioLinearStart AudioOutput AudioStart AudioVolume bb bbd bl bld bs bsd c CheckSTC ci ci_answ ci_app_info ci_auth ci_bypass ci_cancel ci_ca_pmt ci_check_cimax ci_close ci_date_time ci_do ci_menu ci_quit ci_resources ci_sd_info ci_session_maps ci_systems CS24RAMTest db dbb dbd dbu decstate diagArgs diagCpuLoad diagRxChar diagRxKey dl dlb dld dlu ds dsb dsd dsu EventFilter fb fbd fl fld forceSI FrameSync fs fsd GetDelay h Help hunt i2cTest i2cTestRead i2cTimeUse Interrupts lsdPid lsdTest MeasurePCR Mem MER mezzStatus mt ncp_checkservice ncp_printslot no_ansi pidFilter pidSlots Port preset ptiSlots PWM RateBuffer relaytest ReloadSTC rep sb sbd selservice selshow SetDelay SetPCR sishow sl sld smbfilter smbfilterpmt smbflush smbfreeze smbinput smbpacketcount smbrate smbresume smbsecshow smbsishow smbslotshow smbtables smbtimeout ss ssd Tasks timeout txtPid vbiPid VideoCal VideoFreq VideoLevel VideoOffset VideoStart VideoTP
- mezzStatus : shows status of demodulator
- smbRate: shows repition rates of tables